Visit with Santa at the Tea Legion this Saturday

Have you visited with Santa yet? If you missed Santa at the library last weekend, you can still catch him tomorrow at the Tea Legion from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Pictures with Santa will be free with the donation of a canned food item and freewill offerings will be accepted for breakfast with proceeds to fund the new Tea American Legion High School Scholarship Fund.
Check out the Christmas issue of Tea Weekly next week to see what Tea's second graders are asking jolly old St. Nick for this year! Additional photos from Santa Day and the schools' holiday concerts will also be published in that (Dec. 19) issue.
Our holiday subscription special is good through Dec. 18 — half off new subscriptions and 20% off renewals! Sign up by clicking the "Buy now" button at the top of the page, mail in the subscription form from our ad on page 13 of the Dec. 12 issue or call us at 605-213-0049 or 605-214-5277.