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Lincoln County urges caution when burning

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The Lincoln County Commission voted at their regular meeting on April 14 not to enact a Declaration of Fire Emergency in the unincorporated areas of Lincoln County. After consultation with fire officials and emergency management, the commission felt the recent moisture, cooler temperature, and continued “green up”would lessen the fire danger throughout the coming days. However, county officials will monitor conditions in the near and distant future, and will enact a resolution to declare a Fire Danger Emergency if needed.

Lincoln County residents are reminded to be extremely cautious when doing any burning at all times. Conditions may be favorable when you burn, but hours or days later wind conditions may change and hot embers can start a serious fire that can be difficult to contain.

Anyone doing any burning of trees, old buildings, or large piles of waste should contact The Lincoln County Communications Center at 605-764-2664 to inform them of your intention to burn. Should conditions be unfavorable, they will advise you not to burn.

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