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Local opinions shared and encouraged

Have you checked out the local opinion page lately? It's on page 3 each week in the Tea Weekly and features the voices of local writers. The most recent issue (April 17) featured columns from Dr. Chris Lane, DeeAnn Konrad and Dr. Jennifer Lowery, superintendent of Tea Area schools.

Lane is a local chiropractor who regularly contributes articles about health as part of his "Just for the Health of it" column. This week, he covered the importance of knowing what's really in your vitamins and supplements and whether your sources for these important items are really as trustworthy as they seem.

Konrad is a busy Tea mom who manages to keep the whirlwind schedules of her three children straight and often entertains with her tales of camping, vacations and simple trips to the grocery store or down memory lane as part of her column, "My Krazy Life."

Supt. Lowery contributes articles that shine a light on the activities of the Tea Area School District and keeps community members up to date with student and staff events and achievements.

The opinion page is also where Letters to the Editor are published. This week, there's one from Tony Burke, the executive editor of the American Red Cross' eastern South Dakota chapter, encouraging people to consider volunteering.

If there's something you'd like to share with the Tea community, we encourage you to also consider contributing. Letters to the Editor may be sent to or mailed to PO Box 98, Tea, SD 57064. Letters must be signed and include the author's day time phone number for verification. Please limit letters to 500 words or fewer. Letters may be edited for libelous material or to fit space limitations.

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