The great wind debate

The Dakota Power Community Wind project aims to harness wind energy from southern Lincoln and northern Union counties to join the Rock Island Clean Line in transmitting electrical power to eastern states. Up to 500 turbines are proposed on nearly 23,000 acres of South Dakota land, a use some farmers and residents see as a threat to the land’s value, visual appeal and functionality, while others say it could be a good supplemental income opportunity.
Proposed wind farm gains traction, still faces uphill battle
Proponents of a proposed wind farm in Lincoln County gained some traction last week at the July 21 County Commissioners’ hearing to consider approving, denying or amending planning and zoning’s May approval of Dakota Power Community Wind’s request to install five test towers to gather meteorological data.
The data will help wind farm planners determine optimal placement of wind turbines, though the commissioners’ decision was limited to consideration of the temporary placement of the test towers, not what could follow.
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