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City council approves High Pointe plat

The Tea City Council met Dec. 21. In a brief meeting, the councilmen approved a plat from Midwest Land Surveying Inc. for the High Pointe Estates second addition. City planning and zoning administrator Kevin Nissen said 14 lots were platted for phase one of the second addition. He noted that they have suggested renaming the Church Avenue that runs through that space to Titan Avenue. The existing Church Avenue is quite a ways away from this section of Tea. The change is to make it less confusing for emergency responders.

Nissen also briefed the council of three lots in block 2 of the Carl Soukup Addition. The plat was reviewed by HDR Engineering and it has been zoned light industrial.

City finance officer Dawn Murphy noted she had two contingency transfers. One was in the amount of $7,300 for West Nile Virus control and the other was for $1,300 for streets. The council approved the transfers.

Murphy noted that the council approved a 1 percent increase on water in July 2014. The increase takes effect Jan. 1. Residents will see a change on their January bills.

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