Confiscation of drug money by Tea police results in reward of new equipment

It was a short and sweet meeting for the Tea City Council at its December 5th meeting.
After an hour of Executive Session, Mayor John Lawler called the open portion of the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. The first order of business was abnormal overtime hours for the Tea Police Department. It was quickly resolved due to the Thanksgiving weekend and a scheduled training session in Pierre for one of the department’s officers. With no part-time officers on staff, the department worked schedules around to accommodate everyone. This was approved and seconded by councilmen Joe Weis and Chuck Ortmeier.
The Weisser Distributing business plans that the council had previously taken no action on was officially approved. City planning and zoning administrator Kevin Nissen had sent the plans to Code Works in Rapid City, who then made changes, which Nissen then presented back to Weisser. Weisser made the necessary changes, which were then recommended for approval by Nissen. Weisser built a retaining wall as part of the 60×70' addition to their storage building. That wall was built by the park property line to adjust a drainage grate by three feet. This was approved by councilman Larry Rieck and seconded by Brian Fowlds.
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