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An ideal weekend for the Comicon enthusiasts

Another successful year for Siouxpercon came to a close last Sunday. This three day con knows how to bring on the fun. This year we only went two of the three days. We were still able to take in a fair amount of the festivities.

Saturday, we got to Siouxpercon around noon-ish after Alyssa got off work. We got all decked out in our steampunk cosplay and off we went. My wife and I decided to enter the cosplay contest for the first time ever. She was nervous but overcame her fear to go up with me. We didn’t win any special awards, which was fine. It was just as cool having people say how awesome our cosplay was.

So many different cosplay and styles were represented at the cosplay competition. Everyone looked great and really showed all the heart that was put into each person’s costume.

Between the two days we went there was plenty to keep us busy — from video gaming, to attending panel discussions, to just looking around at the vendors — there was no dull moment.

I played many rounds of Super Smash Bros. on Wii U with a friend of mine. I beat her Zelda with a Wii Fit girl. The Wii Fit girl could only do yoga poses, so needless to say a lot of laughter came from that battle alone. My go- to character in SSB would have to be Pikachu, that little rodent is fierce!

We spent a fair amount of time just wandering around the vendor area. There was so much geek inspired merchandise it was like a gold mine for all geeks. I didn’t want to spend much so I made sure to refrain myself from going too crazy, but I did find a Rocket Raccoon vinyl figurine I had to add to my collection.

One of my favorite movies has to be Back to the Future, so I was very excited to see the Doc Brown’s DeLorean time machine from the movies. Alyssa and I took a photo by the vehicle and got to look inside. Christopher Loyd, the actor who played Doc, had his autograph on the passenger visor. The DeLorean was not the only vehicle I had to photograph, there was also the Sioux Falls Ghostbuster version of Ecto. Inspired by the classic Ghostbusters movies.

Sadly, we didn’t attend many panels like I had hoped, but there is always next year for that.

Nerd Idol is a highlight of the con. This karaoke singing competition is a geek version of American Idol. It’s always fun to watch. The first girl who sang Raise Me Up in Japanese crushed it! I was so glad she won, she really deserved it.

Saturday ended with a fun dance party that had us jumping around to 90’s music to modern day hits. They even threw in a couple nerd songs like the Ghostbusters theme song.

Brian is the founder of Siouxpercon and a great friend of mine, as well. He really has put his heart and soul into getting Sioux Falls their very own Comicon and he has done amazing! This being its second year, the con was bigger and better than last year. I am so excited to see what this con turns into in the future. I know with Brian behind the wheel it will go far! I want to thank him for all his hard work in making it such an enjoyable weekend. If you have not had the chance to go I recommend it—you won’t be disappointed.

I hope to keep improving our cosplay each year. I look forward to next year and many more years to come. Siouxpercon 2018 here we come!

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