A day of remembrance: Tea Legion to host Memorial Day Service

Memorial Day Services will be held at the Tea American Legion on Monday, May 29th, 2017 at 9:30 a.m. The services will be under the guidance of Blau-DeBoer Post 266.
Post Commander Ron Lavoy invites everyone to attend the local Memorial Day service, to honor the memory of those who made great sacrifices in service to their country and for the defense of liberty. Local Legion Post members will, as in years past, honor their fallen comrades on Memorial Day with the Avenue of Flags at the cemetery, weather permitting.
This year’s Memorial Day speaker will be Shantel Krebs, the South Dakota Secretary of State.
The program will also include reading the names of past Legion commanders who are deceased, which includes: Lester Fritz, Ben DeVries, Orville Albers, Delmer Schriever, Harold Albers, Richard Hoff, Russell Caldwell, Alvin Atkins, Milan Hostetler, Otto Renback, Cletus Weise, Tom Urban, Albert Hagemeyer, Frank Poznicek, Arnold Schoffelman, and Bernard Hoffman.
Special music will be provided by the Tea High School Memorial Day Choir. Boy Scouts will also assist in the program, as well as area students.
For a complete program, see page 7 of this week’s newspaper.
Following the service at the Tea American Legion Hall, located at 245 South Main Avenue in Tea, there will be a service at the Tea Cemetery. This service will include flag raising by the Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts, a prayer by Post Chaplain Arlon Knock, the placing of the wreaths and “Taps” by the American Legion Color Guard.
The community is invited back to the American Legion Hall for refreshments, courtesy of the Tea American Legion Auxiliary after the services conclude.
Though Memorial Day has become a three-day weekend and the kickoff to summer for many, thousands of communities from coast to coast still honor those who have died in military service. The Tea community is proud to be one of them.