Car shows are coming soon

If you love cars and enjoy heading out to a great show, you will want to be sure that you mark your calendar for these exciting car shows that are coming up in Tea and the surrounding area of South Dakota. With many family friendly activities, you can enjoy all that comes with being a part of many of these exciting car shows.
Classic and show quality car owners are even encouraged to enter their own cars for a chance to win some great prizes including trophies or cash, as well as gain recognition for their automobiles. This is the perfect chance to meet like-minded people and get to know more about the allure of collectible cars, trucks, motorcycles and other vehicles.
Angels with a Dream Car Show
Come out to benefit a great cause. Working with the Make a Wish Foundation, there is plenty for everyone. Wine tasting, classic cars, silent auctions and more. Come out for a good time on June 4 for an all-day event. Happening at the Great Bear Recreation Park, located at 5901 E. Rice St in Sioux Falls. Contact Roxie Johnson at 605-941-1920 or check out for more information. You can also call Justin Waddell at (605) 376-6498 or Roxie Johnson at (605) 941-1920 for further information.
Teapot Hot Rod Show & Shine
This exciting event is put in place to honor the classics of the Tea, SD area. Shine those classics up and bring them on over to show off. The event is free for one and all. Happening on June 16 from 6 to 9PM, you can enjoy a day full of fun activities. Those that want to register their classics can do so for a $10 fee, which includes a t-shirt. The show will be held at the Tea Athletic Complex at 315 E 1st St, Tea, SD. You can contact the City of Tea for more information at (605) 498-5191 or visit their website at www. and click the Teapot Days Schedule for a full calendar of events. Sponsored by Octane Inc.
This huge one day event welcomes visitors from all over. Come out to see the cars, check out the fun children’s activities, meet with vendors and grab a bite to eat. With so much happening, you’re not going to want to miss this giant event. Demonstrations, auctions and sales will also be happening. Come out on June 30 from 1 to 11PM at Holly Blvd., Brandon, SD. Call (605) 951-5045 or check out for even more information.
Cruise Night / Car Show in Lennox
On July 3, you can head to downtown Lennox, SD to enjoy Cruise Night. On this night every year, the coolest classic cars in the area line up and cruise through the downtown area. The event also includes a Street Dance complete with live music from The Dweebs and Smooche.
Following Cruise Night on the 4th of July, there will be a Car Show sponsored by Operation Addy and a parade; the area will light up with some spectacular fireworks and there will be plenty of food, games, live music and much more. This is an extravaganza you won’t want to miss. Visit, under the calendar menu-July 4th events for a complete schedule of the event.
Canton Car Show
Come out and enjoy all that a car show can offer. This annual car show that happens the last weekend in July provides a lot for the whole family to enjoy. Happening July 30 from 11AM to 3PM, you can be sure that you have fun the whole day. With plenty of classics on display, there will also be live music, vendors and plenty of food. Come out to Main Street, Canton, SD to take part in the classic cars and excitement. For more information, check out
Bring the whole family and show the kids some cool cars. Each of the events has plenty to offer and some raise money for great causes in the area. There is a little something for everyone hiding in each of the car shows offered. Be sure you don’t miss the fun!
Check out if you need help shipping your classic car: