City council approves school site plan
The Tea City Council approved the Tea Area School District’s Venture Elementary site plan.
Councilman Chuck Ortmeier led the meeting in the absence of Mayor John Lawler.
Planning and zoning administrator Kevin Nissen said the site plan looks good. The total site will be a little more than nine acres. The parking lot requirements exceed the amount needed for an elementary school. The setbacks for the playground equipment and building were all fine.
The council also approved the minutes from the Oct. 2 meeting and the warrants.
Nissen presented information for the plat of lot 1, Titan Addition. The new section being platted is what the school district is buying from the Boulder Group, which is 7.04 acres. Councilman Brian Fowlds said they are platting the Boulder Group portion to avoid the city and Boulder Group from owning a piece of ground together. The council approved the plat.
Nissen also presented information on the building plans for the school. The city should have stamped plans by the end of the month. He also gave the council a list of fees to review in association with the building permit. No action was taken.
Nissen gave the council the revised preliminary plan for Boulder Addition. They moved a street and adjusted some lots. Utilities will come down 7th Street and water will come down Main Street. The council approved the revised plan.
City administrator Dan Zulkosky asked for approval for the Tiger Grant application sponsorship resolution 17-10-13. The council approved the resolution that was sent in Oct. 16.
The council went into executive session at 7:45 p.m.