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School board approves bids for Frontier expansion

The Tea Area School Board met Nov. 12 and reviewed the bids for the expansion at Frontier Elementary.

After reviewing the bids with Jans Corp., the board approved the estimated $5,166,534.11 for the expansion of class- rooms, gym and band room at Frontier Elementary. They did not receive any bids for weather barriers and no credible bids for sealants. Those will be re-bid through Jans Corp.

The board approved all of the bid packages except weather barriers and sealants. They also approved the HVAC bid from J&R Mechanical with Con- rad Pick abstaining on that vote due to his employment with the company.

For the bid alternates, the board accepted putting acoustical clouds in the existing commons at $14,551. The board decided to put in a wood floor in the Frontier gym instead of vinyl because of the longevity of wood.

The board approved the consent agenda, which included minutes from three meetings, financial reports and the bills.

In the business manager report, Chris Esping presented the preliminary numbers for the second issuance of the general obligation bond for Venture Elementary. The board approved $4,250,000.

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