Tea Area High School Champions of Character visit Frontier Elementary

Last month, five local Champions of Character talked to the third and fourth grade classes at Tea Area Frontier Elementary. Tea Area High School seniors, Troy Ljunggren, Heather LaFave, Jack Unruh, Brittley Minnaert, and Kade Stearns spoke to the elementary students about the traits of having good character, and how to work through conflicts with other people. These five students were chosen as Champions of Character for the 2018-19 school year. The seniors were selected by their school administration for the honor.
The Tea Area seniors spoke to the students about Trustworthiness, Respect, Accountability, Citizenship and Kindness. The program also focused on what happens when individuals are having trouble getting along or agreeing with others and how to work through it.
With the third and fourth graders at Frontier, the five Champions worked through the steps they could use to resolve a conflict and reminded students why it’s important that they do get their conflicts resolved.
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