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City council approves resolution on sanitary sewer regionalization

The Tea City Council met Dec. 21 and held a public hearing on a resolution on the sanitary sewer regionalization phase II.

The council approved resolution 20-12-21, authorizing an application for financial assistance, authorizing the execution and submittal of the application and designating city administrator Dan Zulkosky to certify and sign payment requests for the sanitary sewer regionalization phase II project not to exceed $8,394,000.

They also reviewed the schematic for a new city of Tea law enforcement center. Police chief Jessica Quigley and Zulkosky have had numerous meetings with Banner to go over different layouts. The estimated budget is just over $2.5 million.

The council also approved the site plan for RBS Sanitation for additional dumpster storage north of the existing building in Tempo Addition, Lot 1A. A grading and floodplain development permit are required from Lincoln County to move forward.

They approved the agreement between the city and the Sioux Falls Area Humane Society for animal control services and impound facility operations, which is the same agreement as previous years.

They approved the building permits for Raeco Builders’ foundation/shell permit at 2100 W. Industrial St., J&R Mechanical’s building permit at 110 W. 2nd St., and Fonder’s Keepers’ building permit.

The council approved the second reading of the ordinance for the 2020 supplemental appropriations of $420,600.

The council went into executive session at 7:27 p.m.

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