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Revive Boutique to open in Tea this Friday

The past few years have taken a toll on many people, with so many individuals experiencing stress and change at their workplaces during the Covid-19 pandemic—especially for those working in the medical profession.

When Lindsay Kinzer was working as a supervisor in the hospital and the pandemic was in full-swing, she said it was daunting.

“I was burnt out,” Kinzer said, “We were doing our cuts, and meeting after meeting, all of the pandemic planning for the hospital and everything… you just wanted to be revived. To just kind of like… breathe and feel good.”

So that is how her new boutique was named — Revive Boutique. She hopes the name encourages people to feel uplifted and inspired and to think that whatever their dream might be, it is achievable.

For Kinzer that dream has been coming true step by step since she launched Revive Boutique in September of 2020. It started as online only, and then she added a mobile option. She brings her mobile truck to different community events and locations — even to Teapot Days last summer. Now her dream of having a storefront has been realized as Revive Boutique opens in Tea on Friday, April 1 at 615 E. Brian Street, Suite B in Tea, SD.

When the dream of opening a boutique started, Kinzer said she had to work up the courage to make the leap. She still works several nights in the ultrasound department at Avera.

“I was inspired by some home-based boutiques — I always wanted to do that,” Kinzer said. “I took the direct sales route before and just decided, if you’re going to set your dream off, you need to take that first leap.”

A friend who made a career change offered her some advice, “If you don’t spread your wings, you’re never going to fly.”

So she dove into the planning of opening her own boutique, meeting with several other women who owned boutiques and learning about what it would take.

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