Zuraff appointed to city council
By Wendy Sweeter

At the July 5 Tea City Council meeting, they appointed Ruby Zuraff to the Ward 3 council position.
The council held a public hearing on the preliminary subdivision plan for GC Estates Addition in the Atkins/Fritz Acres Addition. The subdivision is located north of the Tea Area High School. The plan has two phases. Both phases contain plans to build single family lots and multi-family lots.
Residents along High Pointe expressed concern about drainage in the new development and the area. The city continues to work with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife on the drainage to the west. The council passed the plan.
They approved the financial agreement between the City of Sioux Falls and the City of Tea for the regional water system.
Boss’ Pizza asked the city for permission to do a street dance July 30. The city did not take action and asked the business to talk with their neighbors and come back to them.
They approved the plats for lots 2-16, block 4 and lots 8-16, block 6 in Pinnacle Estates Addition; lot 1 in block 9 and lots 1-2 in block 11, tract 3A in Bakker Landing First Addition; lots 1-12 in block 8 and lots 1, 1A, 2, 2A, 3, 3A, 4, 4A, 5, 5A, 6, 6A in block 11 in Nine Mile Lake Addition; and lots 7A and 7B in block 1 in Bakker Landing Addition.
The council approved the pay applications for the regionalization wastewater pump station and force main from Metro Construction for $1,224,373.02, East First Street extension final payment from Hulstein Excavating for $24,596 and Gateway Boulevard phase 2 improvements from D&G Concrete Construction for $772,483.96.
The city reviewed mid-year wage adjustments. They will review data from other cities at a future meeting.