Donations sought for food drive this week
If you have food or funds to spare and would like to help a local student with his senior project while also giving back to the community, stop in to Colin Brown's food drive at the Tea Trinity Lutheran Church, located at 335 W. First St., this week.
Colin has organized a theme for donations during the drive, which starts today and runs through Friday. The theme is as follows:
• Macaroni Monday: Pasta and canned meat and boxed meals • Toilet Paper Tuesday: Paper products • Wild Rice and wafers Wednesday: Rice and crackers • Toothbrush Thursday: Personal care items • Fruits and peanut butter Friday: Canned fruits and veggies & peanut butter
Half of the food items will be donated to the Tea Area Food Pantry and half to the Sioux Falls food bank. All cash/check donations can be made payable to Feeding South Dakota. One dollar is enough to pay for five meals!