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Tea Area High School graduates 77


Seventy-seven Tea Area High School seniors were recognized at the Tea Area School District’s twelfth annual commencement exercises on Sunday, May 17, held in the TAHS gymnasium.

Amos Ferguson, TAHS English teacher of eight years, gave the keynote speech. He spoke about the role music plays in life and related the students’ high school experiences to the popular songs of the last few years.

“Music fills silences, provides a message and has [served as] a soundtrack for your high school years,” he said. “All music has a message.”

The songs mentioned in Ferguson’s speech included Adele’s Rumor Has It, Macklemore & Ryan Lewis’ Thrift Shop, Fall Out Boy’s Light ’Em Up, Taylor Swift’s Shake It Off and Wiz Khalifa’s See You Again.

Each contained life lessons, Ferguson said, from the importance of realizing people don’t always mean what they say to committing oneself to achieving the next goal in life, head held high.

Valedictorian Lexi LaFave and Salutatorians Alex Kraus and Jensen Twite also spoke, each offering examples of lessons learned during their time at TAHS and wishing classmates good luck in their future endeavors.

Seniors joined the concert choir and band for one last performance during the program. Janice Gilbert lead the choir in “For Just a Little While” and Stephanie Wranek directed “Everest: The Forbidden Journey.”

Before diplomas were bestowed upon the students, each took time to present the class flower, spider mums, to those that had made a difference in their lives.

See a full list of the graduates and notes about their achievements in this week's Tea Weekly, on stands at the Tea Casey's, Get N Go, Cubby's and Sunshine. If you prefer to read the paper online, log in to the e-edition. Every subscriber gets free access to the e-edition!

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