Attendance, sales up for 2015 Teapot Days

The annual Teapot Days celebration was a big success last weekend. Wednesday night, the fun kicked off with a community barbecue event at Trinity Lutheran Church.
The Mighty Thomas Carnival was in town and set up in its usual place along Brian Street in front of the pool on Thursday morning and ran daily through Saturday night.
The weather was sunny and warm with a nice breeze during the parade. Residents and visitors alike lined up along the parade route to watch the floats go by. Many Tea and Sioux Falls area businesses joined the procession and there were special performances from Tea Area band students, led by Stephanie Wranek, and the new dance studio in town, Dance 2, organized a special performance of a “Thriller” dance set to the Michael Jackson song.
Trinity Lutheran Church’s Faith in Action group provided trash pickup services at the end of the parade.
The celebration was capped off with the traditional fireworks display Saturday evening.
Check out this week's Tea Weekly for photos and stories about this year's Teapot Days festivities! Pick up a copy at the Tea Sunshine, Casey's, Cubby's or Get N Go or subscribe online to get the paper delivered every week! Remember, subscribers have FREE access to the e-edition!