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DeBoer named to Coaches Hall of Fame

Brent DeBoer is one of three high school football coaches from South Dakota that will be inducted in the South Dakota Coaches Association 2016 Hall of Fame.

DeBoer, who is a graduate of Corsica High School and Sioux Falls College, has been coaching football for 24 years, including 18 as the head coach at Sioux Falls Roosevelt. While at Roosevelt, DeBoer led the team to a 111-79 record and brought back-to-back State Championships to the program, winning in 2006 and again in 2007. He was head coach when the Rough Riders finished runner-up to O’Gorman in 2004.

DeBoer is currently the Tea Area High School Athletic Director and has been the Assistant Coach for the Tea Area TItans football team for the past five years. He will be inducted into the Hall of Fame during a ceremony at the State High School Winter Football Clinic held in Sioux Falls in January. Other inductees include Leon Breske and Brian Hermansen.

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