One woman’s mission to help others get organized

For Lisa Soma, it’s second nature to keep everything organized and streamlined. From mail to shoes, pet supplies and toys used by kids in her in-home day care, everything has a place.
“I’ve done in-home day care for 18 years, which definitely requires strong organization skills, but I’ve always had a love for organization,” Soma says. She attributes her neatnik ways to a combination of her clutter-free childhood environment and skills she honed through her business and out of necessity to keep her own household running at peak capacity.
Someday, Soma hopes to launch her new business, Lisa’s Professional Organizing Service, as a full time venture. She already has a few repeat and full-time clients and is interested in helping more. When things are in disarray, Soma says, people have a tendency to feel overwhelmed and stressed and spend a lot of time locating lost items. She hopes to help bring order to their environment, whether it’s at home, at the office or even a college dorm room, to bring them peace of mind.
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