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Nov. 9 School Board Agenda

Tea Area School Board Meeting

Monday, November 9, 2015

Tea Area District Education Center, 6:30 pm

131 N. Poplar Avenue, Tea, SD

1. Call to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Approval of Agenda

4. Consent Agenda

a. Approval of Minutes

b. Acknowledge Receipt of Financials

c. Approval of Bills

5. High School Student Council Update

6. Business Manager Report

7. Old Business

a. Long Range Planning – Legacy Elementary

b. Long Range Planning – High School

c. Second Reading Policy ABA, ABAA, ABAA-R, ABAB, ABAC Revisions

8. New Business

a. Approval of Open Enrollments

b. Approval of Resignations

c. Approval of New Hires

d. Donations

e. Approve Comprehensive Special Education Plan

f. Bus Driver Incentive / Classified Handbook

9. Administration Report

10. Board Committee Reports

11. Executive Session – Personnel 1-25-2.1

12. Adjourn

This agenda is subject to change.

Mission: To educate and empower each student for success in a global society.

Our purpose is to.....

  1. Foster a partnership among school personnel, students, families and community.

  1. Ensure a safe, positive and supportive atmosphere, which encourages creativity, enhances wellness, builds self-esteem, and recognizes students' success through mutual respect and trust

  1. Provide proper guidance so students are capable of making informed choices and are responsible for their actions

  1. Incorporate ethical values including an appreciation of diversity, integrity, compassion, and responsibility which are vital to the learning process

  1. Address students' individual needs through the use of effective methods that engage all learners by providing innovative and challenging learning opportunities.

  1. Support life-long learning by teaching individuals to access, analyze, and apply information in our changing world.

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