Tea driver wins big at national races

For Tea race car driver Justin Henderson, racing has been a big part of his life since he was four years old.
Henderson’s dad, Rod, started racing sprint cars at that time and Henderson fell in love with the sport.
“I don’t remember ever wanting to do anything else. It was what I was going to do,” he said.
Henderson, who grew up in Beresford, SD, and graduated from there in 1997, now lives in Tea. When he is not racing, he is running his business Parking Lot Solutions. For the business, he and employee Chris Timmerman specialize in painting stall lines in parking lots in the region.
Henderson spends his weekends racing sprint cars. He started racing when he was 16 years old and 1996 was his first full season. His dad quit racing at that point so he could start. At the time, he was driving the family-owned team until 1999 when they could not afford to do that anymore. At that point, he started driving for other people.
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