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City council approves permit for new daycare

The Tea City Council met Nov. 16 for its second meeting of the month.

The council held a public hearing at 7:05 p.m. for a group in-home daycare located at 310 N. Jenny Ave. Jennifer Juhl is the owner. She is in the process of being licensed by the state and plans to have up to five children. There is a safe drop-off and pickup area. The council moved to approve the conditional use permit.

Councilmen moved to approve the Tea Athletic Complex pay application #8 in the amount of $202,660 to Dakotaland Sod Farm Inc. Utilities superintendent Thad Konrad said a few minor things were left to finish up.

City finance officer Dawn Murphy presented the renewal for an on-sale liquor license for Sky Lounge. The council approved the renewal.

The council also approved the animal control services and impoundment facility operations agreement with the Sioux Falls Area Humane Society, which is the exact same contract as 2015 only with the dates changed. The city will pay $43 per hour plus mileage to the humane society for any calls between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. and $56 per hour for calls after 6 p.m.

Marty Banghart submitted his letter of resignation from the planning and zoning board due to unforeseen circumstances. The council approved his resignation and noted that his is the only open spot on the board.

Murphy presented the first reading of 2015 Supplemental Appropriations Ordinance #231 to the council. The supplemental appropriations is in the amount of $479,500 and will be taken from unobligated monies. Murphy said $350,000 will go in the recreation fund and that is due the change order for the parking lot and some architect fees. The $129,500 will go in the fire department fund because they budgeted for the fire truck in 2014 but did not make the payment until 2015.

Ben Scholtz from HDR Engineering said everything with the Boulder Addition at First and Heritage Parkway looks good. The preliminary plans for the addition show 93.97 acres of general business commercial, R1 and R2 residential and natural resource conservation. The development will wrap around the Tea Athletic Complex on the east and south sides. The council approved the preliminary plans.

Scholtz presented the site plan for Chad Javers to construct a 21,930 square foot building on tract 17 in the Southwest Industrial Park addition. The council approved the site plan.

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