Legion baseball coming to Tea in 2016
Every summer 5,000 plus American Legion baseball teams take to the field to compete and play the game of baseball. These teams are made up of kids who have played the game since they were six years old starting in T-Ball, playing up through Teener Ball 13-16 yr. old. Unfortunately, Tea has not had a team in Tea beyond 16 years old for the athletes in the area to continue playing since 2004.
In the spring of 2016, however, Tea will finally have their own Legion baseball team. This group will be made up of young men, ages of 15-19, that will be committed to baseball for Spring through the Summer. The team will be coached by Kurt Zabel and Brandon Cuppy. Athletes interested in being a part of this inaugural year of Legion baseball can still join. An early bird sign up is held now though Jan. 15, where the sign-up cost will be $155. After Jan. 15 through Feb. 1 a sign up fee of $188 will be collected for those who sign up in that time frame.
Those interested can contact Coach Cuppy or Coach Zabel by phone (351-5113) by email (post266baseball@gmail.com). You can also find registration information on the team’s website online at www.post266baseball.com.
With this being their first year of the program the team will be seeking donations and sponsors. The team is not funded by the City of Tea Parks and Rec. They will also be holding fundraisers beginning with a Casino night at the Tea Legion Hall on Jan. 30. Watch upcoming issues for more information on this event and more information on how you can help get the team as they prepare for their opening season.