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Construction completed at Legacy Elementary

Legacy Elementary gained temporary occupancy of its addition at the end of April.

Junior kindergarten through second grade students started eating lunch in the new commons this week and computer and music started using two of the new classrooms.

“It’s so nice and it’s so exciting,” superintendent Jennifer Lowery said.

This summer the district will move the library to a more central location in the building.

The junior kindergarten, kindergarten, first grade and half of the second grade classrooms will be in the old section. Half of the second grade, third, fourth grade and special education classrooms will be in the new section. The administration offices, nurse’s office and a conference room will move into the new section. Visitors to the school will come through the secure entrance through the administrative office.

All rooms in the new section have motion-sensed lighting.

The district plans to host an open house in the fall once the library has been moved and remodeled and the classrooms have been moved. Next fall they will have about 650 kids in Legacy Elementary.

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