School Board fails to reach agreement with Tea Education Association

Tea Area School Board held their monthly meeting on Aug. 8. The last order of business was to enter executive session regarding negotiations between the Tea Education Association and the Tea Area School District. Following executive session, the board approved a resolution that states: “in recognition that no agreement was reached between Tea Education Association and Tea School District No. 41-5, the Tea Area School District shall, pursuant to SDCL 3-18-8.2, implement the provisions of its last offer, including tentative agreements, which are attached hereto.”
In other business on Monday night:
Under the Business Manager’s report, the board discussed the approval of the business manager bond, which had been previously approved at $250,000. Business Manager Christine Esping said this amount had been questioned as to whether or not it was sufficient at a previous meeting. She spoke with the auditors who noted that similar school districts had their bonds set at $400,000
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