The sound of music: Marching band holds summer camp

Tea Area High School band students have been busy this past week in preparation for the upcoming marching band season with a week-long band camp that was held August 15 through 19. Stephanie Wranek, Tea Area High School Band Instructor, said that around 107 students are out for the TAHS Marching Band this year.
Wranek said, “I think we are going to have a great year. Our numbers keep going up, which shows a lot of dedication from the students. We have a lot of talented kids returning and they are excited about the music.”
This year’s show will feature the Queen Opener, We are the Champions. Wranek said, “We thought we would do some fun popular music this year. A lot of the crowd will recognize the songs and it should be a fun time.”
Crowds will get their first chance to see the band preform during Homecoming, which will be Sept. 16.
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