Construction continues: Building permit numbers jump in 2016

Development in Tea got a boost in 2016 through building permits.
Jenni White, Tea economic development director, said building permits issued in 2016 will hopefully push the city’s population over 5,000 this year.
“We’re projecting to be over 5,000 people for 2017 based on building permit numbers. Our 2016 building permit numbers justify that 5,000,” White said.
Hitting 5,000 people could mean further expansion in economic development for the city. White said they have talked with fast food restaurants and other businesses but many of them will not consider opening up shop in a city until the population reaches 5,000.
“For us to get to that population is big and once it’s noted that we’re there, we can see more development,” she said. “But that 5,000 mark I think is a great pivoting point for us to take off more on the commercial side of things. As much as we want more restaurants and retail we need the population to support it too. With our building permits and residential growth that is what’s happening. I hope to see another fluctuation of more businesses here in the next five years.”
In 2014-15, they were highest growing city with 6.9 percent growth in residents. Tea continues to be one of the fastest growing communities in the state.
In 2016, single family home building permits were at 41, that is one more than 2015. However, multi-family unit building permits were at 79 in 2016, compared to nine in 2015.
White noted that the number of multi-family unit permits goes up and down about every other year. However, 2016 was the highest year for building permits with 119 total permits for housing. The highest year previous to 2016 was 2014 with 104 permits.
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