Tea City Council begins budget discussion
The Tea City Council met Aug. 21 and had their first discussion on the 2018 budget.
City administrator Dan Zulkosky noted the items police chief Jessica Quigley requested in her budget for a Watchguard Server for police officers to wirelessly download their videos to a server, three new ballistic vests, four tasers with holsters and an additional police officer.
Utilities superintendent Thad Konrad requested $100,000 to paint the other water tower. He would also like to purchase a new furnace for the swimming pool since the current one is original to the pool and has lasted longer than anticipated. He is also requesting a new pool umbrella and vacuum, ceiling, lighting, sheetrock and insulation for the community hall, a UTV, bleachers, overlay for streets in the northwest corner of town and two warning sirens.
He also requested $320,000 for aeration on the lagoons but that could be done in the next two years.
In the fire department budget, they want to replace a thermal imaging camera, money to replace the radios and four bunker gear sets that they try to replace every year.
The Tea Economic Development Corp. requested $3,000 less than last year to get their budget more in line with what they actually spend.
Finance officer Dawn Murphy based projected property tax on 75 new homes. She noted the bank franchise portion jumped from $7,500 to $30,000. She was going to recheck with the auditor on that number. The total projected revenue for the 2018 budget was $2,625,545.
In expenditures, she noted employee health insurance was the biggest note.
A final 2018 budget will be done by the end of September.
The council approved the warrants but did not approve the Aug. 7 minutes since those were not available.
They held the first reading of Ordinance #247, the flood damage prevention ordinance. Planning and zoning administrator Kevin Nissen said they have been dealing with FEMA to update their floodplain ordinance. The main thing to note was a change from one foot above base flood elevation to two feet. The ordinance needs to be in place by Oct. 5 to be in compliance with FEMA.
The council approved the plat for lots 5B and 5C in block 9 of Zelmer First Addition. Surveyors will be out in the next two weeks to survey the elevations from 7th Street to 9th Street.
Konrad got a quote from Maquire Iron for $37,900 to paint the water tower on 2nd Street. The council approved it.
Konrad noted the chip seal project was done this weekend. He hoped striping on Main would be done this week.
Ben Scholtz with HDR Engineering is working on the bike path for South Main.
Zulkosky said the city is working on an application for use of the ball fields and usage fees.
The next city council meeting will be Sept. 5.
The council went into executive session at 7:54 p.m.