City council supports 85th Street annexation agreement

At the Sept. 18 Tea city council meeting, councilors discussed their support for infrastructure improvements with the 85th Street business district annexation agreement.
Mayor John Lawler said the city has been working on an annexation agreement with the city of Sioux Falls on 85th Street. The resolution is the approval of Tea community support for associated infrastructure improvements with the 85th Street business district annexation agreement.
The agreement outlines the city’s estimated commitment to the project at $4.2 million. In comparison, the agreement shows financial commitments from the City of Sioux Falls at $30.2 million, Lincoln County at $15.9 million and the Department of Transportation at $200,000.
The agreement is to help move the 85th Street interchange project forward with the Department of Transportation. Lawler said they have financial commitments from developers that would get credits when their property is assessed during development.
The council authorized the mayor to sign the agreement.
The council also approved the minutes from the Sept. 5 and the warrants.
The council approved the preliminary plans for Bakker Landing by C-Lemme Companies, Sundowner Investments at Sundowner and Highway 106. The 237-acre property would be a blend of commercial and light industrial. The plan shows maintaining the existing wetlands and detention areas.
They also approved the plat for lots 4A and 4B, block 5 in Kerslake 2nd Addition. Councilman Brian Fowlds abstained. The council approved the building plans and permit for Lauriebelle’s Boutique with Brian Fowlds abstaining.
Planning and zoning administrator Kevin Nissen included a checklist for the City of Tea development and building process. They did a plat for the school that the city needs to approve. The plat will go to Planning and Zoning next week and is scheduled to be on the city council agenda Oct. 2.
The council approved the second reading of 2018 appropriation ordinance for the 2018 budget.
Utilities superintendent Thad Konrad said the DOT will start replacing street signs and posts in the next two weeks. The painting of the little water tower should be done by the end of the week.
City administrator Dan Zulkosky has started visiting landowners for phase 1 of the 271st Street project. He is also gathering information for the Tiger grant.
The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.