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Therm Dynamics: providing heat around the world

In 2001 the documentary television series How It’s Made debuted on the Science channel in America and since that time, the love of learning more about how the items we use every day are made has grown. Tea Weekly will be exploring just what products are made in our backyard in a new series, Spotlight on Manufacturing.

This week we learn more about Therm Dynamics, a company that manufactures flameless efficient heaters. Located on Gayle Ave., the business was purchased by Roch Koopman ten years ago, at that time they had four employees.

Koopman said, “I knew we had a good product.”

Koopman’s dedication to quality and his previous business experience helped Therm Dynamics to grow. The company went from producing 50 heaters a year to 800 and they have expanded to 20 employees.

“It was good timing,” Koopman added, “The market was expanding. We came across as a professional key player.”

The goal was simple: to create an industrial heater that could be used safely and had a high BTU output without spark or flame.

The heaters that are produced at Therm Dynamics are used all over the world. Koopman said they just shipped heaters to Northern Canada at the Kearl Oil Tar Sands. Koopman said that the farthest location they have shipped heaters would probably be Urmqi, China or Vladestack, Russia.

The flameless heaters are the perfect option for oil and gas fields to provide temporary heat during cold winter months while they are drilling.

Koopman said many of his heaters are sold to rental companies who then rent the units out.

He smiled, “We hope for oil in cold parts of the country.”

Other uses for the heaters include water restoration. Koompan said the heaters are used to dry out buildings, and have even been used to kill bed bugs.

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