Events planned to support Tea Fire Department: April 27th Chislic Feed at Tea Steak House Event Hal

The Tea Fire Department is there when you need them, whether responding to a fire, accident or emergency situation.
The equipment they use is important. One piece of equipment currently in use is the LifePak 12. Ninety-five percent of emergencies the Tea Fire Department are called to require the use of a LifePak. Victims in car accidents, fire victims, and patients with medical related concerns, as well as firefighters in fires use the LifePak.
Manufacturing of the LifePak 12 ceased in 2008, and parts are no longer being made.
So the Tea Fire Department is now raising funds to help with the purchase a LifePak 15. A LifePak 15 is capable of blood pressure monitoring, oxygen saturation, carbon monoxide monitoring, capnography, capturing and printing a 12-lead EKG, and AED.
This is a vital piece of equipment and something that the community does not want to be without.
In an effort to help raise the needed funds for this important equipment, the Tea Fire Auxiliary has organized two special events for Friday, April 27th.
To kick off the evening, the Auxiliary’s annual Chislic Feed will be held from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Tea Steak House Event Hall.
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