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First ever Little Miss, Junior Miss, Miss Teen Tea 2018 pageant held

For the first time ever Little Miss, Junior Miss, and Miss Teen Tea 2018 were crowned as part of the Teapot Days events held two weeks ago.

Miss Teen South Dakota International 2018 and Tea resident herself, Caitlin Olson directed the pageant.

Olson said, “I am very happy with the first year. It was a learning process for me but the girls and the parents made it all so easy. I definitely plan to host this again next year.”

There were a total of 13 contestants in the pageant. Girls were judged on interview, Titan wear and formal wear. Sponsors of the event included Squealers Smoke Shack, Schoenhard’s Custom Cabinetry and Embrace Church.

Winning the title for Little Miss Tea was Ava Falkingham, daughter of Leah and Austin Falkingham; crowned Junior Miss Tea, was Ava Gilberts, daughter of Chad and Michelle Gilberts; and Miss Teen Tea was Rylee Rhead, daughter of Todd and Michelle Rhead. The winners participated in the Teapot Days parade on Saturday, June 16, 2018.

Pageant director, Caitlin Olson, is the daughter of Chad and Jodi Olson and a 2017 graduate of Tea Area High School.

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