New Legacy music room solution recommended: Board of education approves contract to accept student t

The Tea Area Board of Education held a regular meeting of the new fiscal year on Monday, July 9 at 6:30 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance and approval of the agenda followed.
All known conflicts were disclosed or revisited. Vice President Conrad Pick will abstain from voting on substitute teacher rates. His wife works as a substitute teacher for the district.
Board Member Kristen Daggett has family ties within Daggett Trucking, Diamond D Construction and Daggett Tree Service. She will abstain from voting on any bills from the three entities.
Board Member Todd Irvine currently works at Jans Corporation and will abstain from any matters involving the business. Irvine’s last day of employment with Jans Corp. will be on July 13, 2018. His abstaining agreement becomes unnecessary afterward.
A formal public input period followed the disclosures. Formal time for public comment will now be required due to recent amendment to SDCL 1-25-1. No questions or comments arose during the opportunity.
Consent agenda for the meeting included approval of minutes, acknowledge receipt of financials and approval of bills. The board approved minutes from the June 11, 2018 work session and regular meeting.
Business Manager Chris Esping reported that she has been working on closing out the fiscal year. The consent agenda was approved by all board members with the exception of the Jans Corp. bill of $29,178.03. This expense was approved separately with Irvine abstaining.
Esping also discussed SEC compliance. The board appointed her as the responsible officer. She was also granted supplemental budget authority. Listing of supplemented items will be provided in the minutes.
A budget hearing was called to order. SPED budgeting experienced minor changes due to salary increases. Bond redemption, food service, TASK and Sprouts experienced no changes.
Operations Manager Wayne Larsen reported on Venture Elementary school construction. He said Dakotaland Sod returned that day to start framing and pouring interior footings. Prefabricated walls have started to arrive.
Jans Corporation Employees Arlan Van Voorst and Paul Coldman also spoke at the meeting.
“We do have hard hats and safety vests, any time you wish to come and visit the site,” Coldman offered board members.
Van Voorst believes there’s still time to make up for progress interferences from summer rains.
“Now we’re getting into the dry part of the summer. We’re some days behind but we can still pick it up at this point,” said Van Voorst.
Superintendent Dr. Jennifer Lowery reported that both Koch Hazard and Jans Corporation provided contracts for the Frontier Elementary Project.
A new proposal for Legacy’s music room location was presented. The Legacy Team, Mrs. Walder, Mr. Bullis, Mrs. Taylor and Mr. Larsen, recommend converting the storage and office facility located off of the main gym.
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