Shriners planning outhouse races in Tea: Heritage development plan approved by city council
Tea City Council called a regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, July 16. Council approved the agenda and July 2 meeting minutes with no questions.
Council approved warrants after one expense question. Finance Officer Dawn Murphy explained that a new cell phone was purchased after police arrested an individual. Their phone broke after being forgotten on the roof of a car driven from the scene.
Time designated for public comment began at 7:03 p.m. Two representatives of the El Riad Shrine Hillbillies attended to speak about plans for a new Tea event. The Tea Pee 500 Outhouse Races are planned for Saturday, September 22 at the Tea Athletic Complex.
“The relationship that the temple has had with the city of Tea is just phenomenal,” said Koster. “We appreciate that.”
Funds raised go to the Twin Cities Shriners Hospital for Children. A website for the races will provide more information. The Shriners plan to obtain a temporary liquor license.
Second readings of ordinances 258 and 259 followed. Ordinance 258 allows rezoning Bakker Landing Subdivision land from Agriculture (AG) to Residential District (R1). Ordinance 259 also rezones phase 2 of the Boulder Addition from AG to R1. Council approved both.
Council discussed Cooper site plan zoning. The 2,880 square feet storage building will be built for vehicle storage. An existing office building currently stands on the property.
The BUILD Grant application was submitted on July 16. Mayor John Lawler said the conditions of the grant are similar to last year’s. Funding will not exceed $15,000. Money remaining from last year will be used first.
Money awarded from the 3-Point Play Program supplied $13,000 for a new Prairie Trails Park shelter. The Wellmark program works with universities to raise money for local projects. USD qualified Tea for the funding.
Council discussed a date for the 2019 budget meeting. Lawler suggested scheduling during the regular city council meeting on August 20.
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