Rezoning of properties focus of Tea City Council meeting

Rezoning of properties focus of Tea City Council meeting Zoning was the word of the day at the Tea City Council meeting last Thursday. The council overviewed and approved multiple different zoning requests.
Of particular focus for the night was the rezoning of Lots 1 & 8, of Block 2, in the Carl W. Soukup Addition. Located on North Main and High Pointe Street, to Lipton Street, this portion of land was originally zoned as a GB, or a General Business Commercial District. A petition submitted by John Schwartzle requested the property to be rezoned to R2, or Residential District for the construction of a 12-unit, multi-story rental apartment building.
The area was zoned as GB originally for aesthetic reasons, primarily. Planning & Zoning Administrator Kevin Nissen, who presented the various zoning items for consideration to the council throughout the meeting, explained that, “The intent with this development was to have light industrial inside and have the commercial wrap around it there, with that intent to have nicer looking buildings, or non metal, exposed to atlas Main Street and 271st Street sides.”
However, the Planning Board decided to, after a thorough discussion looking at various factors such as nearby multifamily developments and project growth, recommend the rezoning of the property to residential.
During this rezoning issue’s public hearing, Marvin Turner was present to express his concerns about the property. Nissen informed the council that Turner however could not be present at the current meeting. According to Nissen, Turner, “Wants to maintain it as commercial, he thinks it’s a bad idea that would impact his property.”
Nissen also explained how Turner had strongly recommended that if the property was rezoned that he would like to see a fence put up as a barrier between his property and the proposed residential development.
Council member Casey Voelker explained how since there was multi-family across the street already that he personally did not see the difference that new residential zoning would make. However, Voelker stated his own reasons for not being totally onboard for the idea of rezoning the land in question, which were more about keeping the use consistent.
He explained, “I agree with him about keeping the use as commercial, I do agree with that, I think the way with how it’s planned already, personally I’m in favor of that [way]. I’m not super crazy about the use as residential. I’d like to see it stay commercial.”
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