Homeowners voice concern over rezoning; Council discusses raising street maintenance assessments

A group of concerned home owners attended Monday night’s Tea City Council meeting. During the public comment portion of the meeting several of these citizens spoke to the rezoning of Lots 2-8, Block 7, Howling Ridge Addition from Agriculture to R2 Residential.
Concerns expressed included that the number of proposed homes on the lots would negatively affect property values. Another citizen voiced concern that if the zoning changed to R2 that adjacent property could also be rezoned to “multi-family”. And yet another citizen questioned the process.
Planning and Zoning Administrator Kevin Nissen spoke to those in attendance and the council regarding the process, he noted that the R2 zoning included single family homes, not only multi-family, and said that single family homes are being planned for this particular development. The R2 zoning, Nissen added, did reduce the lot dimension requirement but did not affect the side yard setbacks. Nissen further went on to say that the planned “villas were very nice units and would fit well into that neighborhood,” in his opinion.
With public comments wrapped up, the council preceded with the agenda as presented. After approval of October 1, 2018 minutes and warrants, the public hearing for Ordinance 264 — Rezoning Lots Lots 2-8, Block 7, Howling Ridge Addition from Agriculture to R2 Residential was declared. This was the first reading of the ordinance. The rezoning application was submitted by John Schwartzle, the z-lots are set up for single family detached homes or villas.
Mayor John Lawler pointed out that the rezoning was approved and recommended by the planning and zoning board with no opposition.
The council next approved a re-platting for Monty Hagedorn, Plat: Lots 2A and 3A, Block 6, Hagedorn Industrial Park Addition, Lincoln County. The landowner is re-platting his acre to include a portion of Lot 4, extending his lot by approximately 25 feet to the west.
The 271st Street Improvement Project Pay Applications 9 and 10 to Metro Construction were approved for the combined total amount of $453,339.03. City Engineer Ben Scholtz with HDR Engineering said the council was only paying for what has been installed.
The council approved 2018 Mill and Overlay Improvement Project Pay Application 1 in the amount of $108,411.19 to Journey Group/Blacktop Paving.
And they also approved the Pay Application 3, Main Avenue Phase 2 oversizing to Schwartzle Construction for $12,441.60.
Next up on the agenda was the resolutions setting the City Wide Property Drainage Fee and the Annual Street Maintenance Assessment.
Resolution 18-10-42 setting the drainage fees passed with little discussion and no change from last year.
Resolution 18-10-43 regarding street maintenance assessments had a tougher time getting approved as presented. Councilman Sid Munson voiced his desire to increase the $.40 per front foot by $.10.
He said, “I believe in having different parts of the city pay for itself… we can’t take it all out of the general fund.”
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