IMED Mobility of Tea wins NADCO national award

Amongst numerous nominees, IMED Mobility was chosen for the 504 Rural Loan Diamond Award. This national award was presented by the National Association of Development Companies (NADCO) recognizing a small business that has made an impact. First District Development Company (FDDC) nominated IMED Mobility for this special award, as the project is a standout in their portfolio—a diamond you might say.
IMED Mobility, owned by Bob Lundin, is located right here in Tea. IMED Mobility sells and services new and used handicap accessible vehicles and handicap accessible products. IMED and Bob Lundin are special because of the adversity the business has faced since it began in 2003, the nature of the business, and Bob Lundin himself.
One example of IMED’s adversity and perseverance has to do with the dealership agreements it has in place with the two leading manufacturers of handicap accessible vehicles. Upon getting into business in 2003, Bob, being the marketing and internet guru he is, knew with the worldwide web the entire United States was his market place. By 2008, because Bob was so good at selling and building relationships, the competition got fed up with how well IMED Mobility was doing.
They complained to these two manufacturers, so much so, the manufacturers decided to implement dealership agreements. IMED’s market place changed from the entire United States to just South Dakota and Minnesota. The impact on IMED was tremendous–they went from selling 55 vans in one month in 2008 to selling 7 vans the next month. The staff went from 22 to 5. IMED had no choice in this matter and had to play by the new rules.
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