Tea City Council partakes in first meeting of 2019

The first Tea City Council meeting of the year was down to business as usual as the council went through the agenda.
After opening the meeting up for public comments, of which there were none to be had from the community, the council unanimously approved the agenda, December 18 minutes, and approved January’s warrants for a total of $358,901.20.
Next, Mike Mehlbrech, who introduced himself to the council during the last meeting on December 17, was appointed to the Parks & Recreation Board. This was done upon a full recommendation from the Park and Recreation Board. The motion for Mehlbrech’s approval was made by Todd Boots and seconded by Jim Erck and was accepted unanimously.
A discussion was held during the Engineering/Zoning update on the possibility of a new schedule of fees. No decision was made at the meeting, but it was stated that the plan is for a new fee structure to be brought to the council during the next meeting. The committee working on looking at the fees is set to meet next week to solidify their plans and to prepare a presentation of the proposed new fee schedules for the council.
A motion was made to approve resolution #19-01-01, which focused on the Regional SDC charges that will be due prior to the installation of water meters. According to the resolution, the following Regional SDC charges, which are currently established by the City of Sioux Falls, will be collected by the City of Tea for each new water meter installed: 5/8” and 3/4” meter = $2,391; 1” = 5,978; 1-1/2”= 11,954; 2” = 19,127; 3” = 35,863; 4” = 60,000; 6” = 119,550.
The motion to approve the resolution was made by Chuck Ortmeier and Joe Weis and was accepted unanimously but the council.
(Photo by Michael Bauman)
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