Preschool program seeks 2-year-old students

Two-year-olds in the Tea area now have an opportunity to go to school.
Tea Sprouts director Amanda Brinkman started working on developing a program geared toward 2-year-olds last April with district curriculum director Tonia Warzecha. After numerous inquiries about a 2-year-old preschool, Brinkman thought it was time to offer a program for Tea’s young community.
“We’re going to focus on skills that kids need to have and build before they come to preschool. A lot of parents have come and asked what does my 2-year-old need to know before they come to preschool,” Brinkman said. “This is an exposure for them, not only to our classroom and to our staff, but to development and the milestones kids should be reaching.”
Terrific Two’s begins March 21 and runs for five Saturdays at the District Education Center. Saturdays on the schedule include March 21, March 28, April 4, April 18 and May 2.
The program will run for an hour from 9-10 a.m. Students must be 2 years old by Sept. 1, 2019. To signup for the program, go to the Google form: For more information, contact Brinkman at The cost is $25 for the session. Signup is capped at 15 students.
“Parents have to stay with their children so they can learn and then get to know each other themselves,” Brinkman said.
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