Tea city denies rezoning request in Artisan Addition
The Tea City Council met March 2 and held a second reading for a rezone of lot 21, block 1 Artisan Addition from general business commercial to R2-Residential.
The second reading of the rezone had been put off for a couple of meetings. The council had received no additional changes from the applicant. The council moved to deny the rezone.
The council approved the consent agenda which included the agenda, March 2 claims and three tax abatements. The abatements were for city-owned property for Bakker Landing first addition, tract 3; Zelmer second addition, lot 3, block 2; and Zelmer second addition, lot 4, block 2.
During public comment, Tricia Cook with Celebrate Community Church asked the council about their perspectives on what they think about the community and what kinds of challenges or needs the community has. She said they are in the information gathering stage and feeling a call to serve.
Angie Munce addressed the council on behalf of herself as a business owner and as a board member of South Dakota Multi-Housing Association. She asked the council to consider a new way of getting water bills for tenants who are past due to the property owners sooner than what they do now. Finance officer Dawn Murphy asked her to provide the city with information for when tenants move out. Mayor John Lawler asked Munce to provide the city with an outline of what she thinks can happen to remedy the situation.
City administrator Dan Zulkosky presented information on an amendment to the water tower lease with renewal options between the city of Tea and Wireless Alliance LLC (T-Mobile Central LLC). The renewal allows a 15 percent increase every five years for the mobile company to put their antenna on the water tower by the park.
Zulkosky also noted they will host a public meeting March 30 at 6:30 p.m. to discuss what is happening with Highway 106. Property owners will be notified by City Hall and a public notice will run in the newspaper three times this month.
He has also received the preliminary design for the new website. He has started reviewing that.
The council adjourned at 7:35 p.m.