City approves building permits

The Tea City Council met Oct. 19 for their only meeting this month.
The council approved the site plan and building plans for Midwest Stone in Bakker Landing Addition. They also approved the building plans for Gruen-Wald Cold Storage addition.
They approved the building plans and permit for Glass Doctors to build a 3,600-square-foot office and show room with a 7,600-square-foot attached warehouse in the Bakker Landing 1st Addition.
The council approved three plats - one in the Bakker Landing 1st Addition and two in the Heritage Addition.
They accepted the resignation of Bleau Lafave from the Park & Rec Board.
The council approved a resolution giving approval to certain drinking water facilities improvements; giving approval to the issuance and sale of a revenue bond to finance directly or indirectly, the improvements to the facilities; approving the form of the loan agreement and the revenue bond and pledging revenues and collateral to secure the payment of the revenue bond; and creating special funds and accounts for the administration of funds for operation of the system and retirement of the revenue bond.