City Council approves building permits

The Tea City Council met Feb. 22 and approved a handful of building plans.
The Council approved the building plans for Cresten Property Management for a 12,720 square foot office/property management business located in the Bakker Landing Development.
They also approved the building plans for a building by Josmer at 200/210 E. High Pointe Street. The building plan is the same as two other buildings they have built. The plans call for an 11,900 square foot building that will be used as a coach/training facility on one side of the building while the other side will remain unused at this point.
The Council approved the site and building plans for Benson Lawn and Landscape. They plan to build a 4,800 square foot building at 2025 E. Merchant Street.
They approved the site plan for Karlson Contractor Shops in lot 2, block 4 in Kerslake Addition, which is located in Lincoln County, currently outside the city limits of Tea. The plan is for a 14,386 square foot building with six units. The Council discussed the possible drainage issues and drainage issues in the area. Mayor John Lawler asked that planning and zoning administrator Kevin Nissen get a joint meeting with the county and the road district in that area to discuss the culverts.
Woody Houser of Beresford addressed the Council during public comment about bringing back the discretionary formula. He owns property on Tanner Court and has put up some four- and eight-plexes.
The Council approved the pay application from Visions Construction Group for $356,971.23 for the law enforcement center.
In the consent agenda they approved the hiring of full-time police officer Logan Lorenzen at $22.50 per hour. They also approved the plats for lots 6A, 6B, 6C, 6C, block 9 in Heritage Addition and lots 2B and 3B, block 6 in Hagedorn Industrial Park Addition.
After a brief discussion, the Council approved raising swimming pool personnel wages by $1 from last year. The current pay schedule will be cashiers at $12, lifeguards at $13.25, WSI lifeguards at $14, head lifeguard at $16 and manager at $21.
The Council approved an amendment to the employee handbook that states, “Upon termination of employment, retirement or resignation, the staff member will be paid 25 percent of the unused accrued sick leave (must be employed a minimum of five years to receive this benefit).”
The Council went into executive session at 7:57 p.m.