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City council approves building plans

The Tea City Council met April 15 and approved numerous building plans and a conditional use permit.

Planning and zoning administrator Kevin Nissen presented the site and building plans for Titan Small Engine Repair. The building plans call for a 3,600 square foot building at 101 S. Joseph Ave. This is the second building design after the first one was rejected because it did not meet commercial overlay requirements or the high quality architectural design for central business district. The plans improved the curb appeal. The council approved the plans.

The council also approved the building plans for a 9,000 square foot maintenance garage at Bright Foundations at 815 Gateway Lane pending the final stamp from the engineer. This building will go east of the existing building.

They recommended approval to the county for the building site plan for RBS Sanitation in lot 1A, Tempo Addition. The main concern was making sure they weren’t increasing the runoff into Ninemile Creek.

Nissen presented the preliminary plan for Harvard Industrial Park. Th development plan is for 43.3 acres. There will be a public hearing May 6. No action was taken.

The council held two public hearings. The first one was for a new alcohol beverage license for retail on-off sale wine and cider license for Down Home by DeBoers at 108 Venture Place. Nissen said they plan to sell bottles of wine. No one commented on the license and the council approved it.

In the second public hearing, Nissen presented a conditional use permit for a private recreation facility at 1530 N. Mae Place in the Nielson Construction 55-plus planned development community. Nielson was the only person present to comment and the council approved the CUP.

City administrator Justin Weiland noted they received the feasibility report from Pinnacle on the proposed indoor multi-purpose sports complex. The analysis included meeting with people in the community and talks positively to do well in the region. 

The low end proposes an 85,000 square foot facility at $17.2 million. However, it looks like the community wants some more amenities than the lowest option. Since they received the report close to meeting time, mayor Casey Voelker suggested the council read through the nearly 200-page report.

The council canvassed the city election results. The results were 71 votes for Lynn DeYoung and 40 votes for Michael LeVan.

The council approved the hiring of Hunter Wilson for seasonal maintenance at $17 per hour and Trevor Welch for seasonal maintenance at $18 per hour. They approved the resignation of police officer Dustan Demuth effective April 19.

Weiland said the city of Sioux Falls was on board with the plan to construct the Sundowner intersection and the roundabout in the 85th Street project this year. He also received notice from FEMA that the floodplain plan would be pushed back so the city can provide them with additional data.

The council adjourned at 6:51 p.m.


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