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City council approves design plan for Athletic Complex

The Tea City Council met April 4 and approved the planning and design for phase 4 of the Athletic Complex from Confluence.

The council approved the design from Confluence that would add three youth softball fields, an off-street parking lot, central field complex shade shelter, bleachers and pedestrian improvements. They approved the contract with Confluence for $95,350 for project management, planning and landscape architecture.

They also approved the cost recovery agreement with Haugen Investments Limited Partnership and Runge Enterprises. The council also approved the permanent water main easement agreement between the city and Haugen Investments Limited Partnership.

The council approved the Hiring of Matt Ernster as a maintenance employee at $19 per hour and accepted Spencer Curtis’ resignation. They approved the pay application from Visions Construction Group for $80,732.90.

They held a public hearing for the new off-sale liquor license for Casey’s Retail Company, DBA Casey’s #3069, 800 E. Brian St., lot 2, block 1, Costello Addition. No one present spoke in favor or against the license and the council approved the license.

Greg Goehring filed an application for annexation for lot 9, block 5 in Howling Ridge Addition. He requested the annexation so he can put a shed on his back lot. The council approved the annexation.

They approved the second reading of ordinance 292, an ordinance rezoning a portion of Heritage Addition, legally known as lots 13A, 14, 15, 16, block 4 Heritage Addition from NRC to R1.

The council heard from a citizen who opposes the Summit Carbon Solutions proposed carbon dioxide transmission pipeline, whose current route goes south of the city. She urged the city to apply for party status so they can have a say later on. The council moved to apply for party status.

Ben Scholtz with HDR noted that they opened bids for the street resurfacing project. They received six bids.

They adjourned at 7:39 p.m.


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