City hears about cannabis during public comment

The Tea City Council met Aug. 2 and heard about cannabis during the public comment section of the meeting.
Emmitt Reistroffer from Sioux Falls addressed the council about cannabis. He has been working in the industry for 10 years in other states and recently moved back to Sioux Falls. He has been visiting counties and cities throughout the state talking about cannabis and offering to be a resource. He and his partners are also looking at land in the Tea area to build a wholesale facility for growing, manufacturing and extraction. Their biggest investments would be security, safety and community relations. He noted that he and his partners are also looking at possible locations in this region.
Under zoning, planning and zoning administrator Kevin Nissen presented the building plan for a bandroom expansion at Legacy Elementary. The expansion calls for 3,637 square feet of space for 169 students. The plan was approved.
The council also approved the site and building plans for phase 2 for Skogen Building in lot 2, block 3 in the Bakker Landing Addition. The plans call for a 10,800 square foot building meant for contractor shops.
Nissen presented information on the Nine Mile Lake initial development plan at Tea/Ellis Road and 85th Street. The initial plan calls for single-family residential on the south side and multi-family and general business on the north side. The subdivision will have a lake which will act as detention and additional storage during a heavy rain event. No action was taken.
The council approved the pay app for Maguire Iron for $140,000 for the new water tower. City administrator Dan Zulkosky reported that work is almost complete with some electrical work, filling and disinfection. He expected them to be completely done by mid-September.
Zulkosky thanked the public for their work in keeping water use low during the excessive heat last week.