City moves forward with plans to host Teapot Days

The Tea City Council met Feb. 16 for their sole meeting of the month.
The council discussed hosting Teapot Days in 2021 after canceling the town celebration in 2020 due to the pandemic. Teapot Days 2021 are planned for June 17-19. Finance officer Dawn Murphy noted that Harrisburg has begun planning their town’s celebration already.
Murphy has been in touch with the carnival and they planned to come for Teapot Days. The council discussed the need to coordinate with businesses to make the event a success.
The council held a public hearing for a conditional use permit for an in-home daycare. Walk & Roll Child Care currently has a CUP for an in-home daycare at 305 W. 7th Street. The council approved the new CUP at their new residence at 700 S. James Avenue.
They approved the abatement of property tax for KN Construction in Highpoint Estates Second Addition. The abatement of $3,790.22 was requested because the square footage should have been adjusted after being platted.
The council approved the hiring of full-time police officer Danielle Bilbo and part-time police officer Alex Suurmeyer. They also approved the pay app from Maguire Iron for $92,730 for the 85th Street water tank.
They approved the plats for lots 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 5A, 5B, 5C and 5D, Block 9, Heritage Addition, and Lots 4A, 4B, 5A and 5B, Block 8, Heritage Addition.
The council removed the supplemental Covid payroll item from the agenda. They tabled the contract for E-911 and dispatching services between the City of Tea and the Lincoln County after discussion on the need for some clarification in the contract.
The council went into executive session at 7:52 p.m.