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County Commissioners host informational meeting for Public Safety Center

An informational meeting for the Lincoln County Public Safety Center was held on Tuesday, Oct. 13 with the Lincoln County Commissioners at the 4-H Fair Grounds in Lennox.

The more than two hour meeting provided time for public comments and the Lincoln County Commissioners presented information on the Public Safety Center that is proposed to be built near Tea, SD.

The entire meeting can be viewed on the Lincoln County, SD YouTube Channel (link below).

Voters will decide on the construction of this Public Safety Center — listed as the Lincoln County Bond Issue on the ballot.

This bond issue includes both the construction of a Public Safety Center, i.e. County Jail, presumably to be built near Tea, and the renovations, improvements, demolition and reconstruction to the existing county courthouse in Canton.

The State’s Attorney Explanation reads, “Shall Lincoln County, South Dakota, issue and sell its negotiable general obligation bonds in a registered principal amount not exceeding fifty million dollars ($50,000,000.00), issued in one or more series by the Commission, payable and maturing from 1 and not to exceed 30 years after the year of issuance, for the purpose of purchasing land, constructing a new county public safety center (jail), furnishing and equipping the same, renovations, improvements, demolition and reconstruction to the existing county courthouse (the “improvements or construction”), and paying costs of issuance. Shall the above proposition be approved and the bonds issued? A vote yes is in favor of issuing the bonds, a vote no is against the issuing of the bonds.”


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