Family owned sanitation business finding success in Tea

Ruby and Justin Zuraff of Tea, South Dakota have been operating Roo’s Sanitation business out of Tea for the last four years. While some might not be too excited about starting their own business or diving into the sanitation business it has worked out well for the Zuraff family.
Justin Zuraff grew up with parents who ran their own business, that inspired him to own his own business one day.
Zuraff never knew what he wanted to do but after having worked for another garbage company and after enjoying the freedom that being a garbage man allowed him to have, he decided to start his own sanitation company.
With a name like Roo’s, you might be wondering how Zuraff came up with the name for his company. The Roo’s in Roo’s Sanitation was inspired by Zuraff’s wife. When the couple started dating Justin Zuraff had nicknamed his wife Ruby Roo.
This is more than just a business to the Zuraff family, as one can see from the photos at right. Both Justin and Ruby Zuraff say they love what they do and enjoy making other people’s day. They love showing kids the garbage trucks, and say that the kids are fascinated by the trucks and get such a kick out of seeing them.
When asked how Covid-19 has impacted their business Zuraff said, “Garbage has increased in residential so much because everyone is cleaning more since they are home more.”
With families producing more garbage many people are reviewing how much they spend on their garbage bills each month, the Zuraffs say.
Roo’s Sanitation currently serves the communities of Lennox, Sioux Falls, Harrisburg, Hudson, Beresford and Tea.
To learn more about Roo’s Sanitation call or text 605-498-1588.