Jorgensen to serve as chamber treasurer
Earlier this month the Tea Chamber for Development elected new officers to lead the group.
Casey Jorgensen, a financial adviser with Edward Jones, was elected treasurer. A chamber member for the last 2.5 years, he has been involved in ribbon cuttings and networking events.
When he moved his business from Sioux Falls to Tea last summer, he was welcomed by the business community.
“I was welcomed with a warm, loving embrace from a lot of the business community in Tea and just the people here in Tea. A lot of those people were a part of the chamber and were on the board. I will never forget how great that felt and I really want to be part of carrying that forward to other people coming here to Tea,” Jorgensen said.
He has lived in Lennox for almost 17 years, but about 15 years ago he remembers saying to his wife that he wanted to have a business in Tea.
“It just feels right. It’s a growing, thriving community. The people here are wonderful….It felt right for a long, long time and I finally took some steps to make it happen,” he said.
Jorgensen has been with Edward Jones since 2020. He noted there’s a lot of stress involved in being a business owner. Being a part of the chamber has allowed him to build relationships with other business owners and grow his business in a short amount of time.
“Generally with the chamber my objective is giving that warm embrace to new people coming here and encouraging new businesses to come here and showing them how great a business climate we have here,” he said.